Review of "Dangerous Journey" (BR 2)

'I don't want to see water again - not for long time!' (p. 31)

   There are four men in the forest. They were looking for iron and other metals.
   Leon and Manuel thought that it was going to rain that day. The rain will turn the ground into mud. Then they'll never get back to base. But Joe and Pedro weren't there for two days. They have been hunting. Leon was angry.
   They put baggages into their car and leave the forest. There are lots of problems on the way. For example, the truck stopped in mud and the bridge of the largest river was broken. To across the river, they tried to a hard tihng. although there were so many troubles, all four men was saved finally.
It was such a exciting story!

Cox, Alwyn. (2005). Dangerous Journey. Oxford: Macmillan Education

                                                                                                                                              Book review



Review of "Jack and the Westbourne Fair"

Review of "Circle Games" (BR 8)

Review of "The Dark Side of the City" (BR 9)