Review of "L.A. Raid" (BR 15)

The phone call was from Hawaii! I'm leaving town! (p. 31)

   Lenny Samuel is a private detective in L.A. - Los Angeles. One day, he went to the First City Bank on Sunset Boulevard to receive reward for his work, $5,000. But, he suddenly came across a person with a duck mask on. The person was a robber.
   Then, the owner of the bank asked Lenny for resolving the robbery. Actually, five raids in other First City Banks occured in a week. the robberies are occured by same person, a person with a duck mask on! But, the way to occur the robberies are different.
   One day, Lenny faced a robbery occured by a person with a duck mask on. But, he let the robber escape and he was mistaken Lenny for a robber. So, he had no job in L.A.
   But one day, robbers visited the office of Lenny. Actually, the owner was robbing his own bank! Then, the owner was arrested and Lenny was a detective again.
   I feel relieved to know that Lenny returned the job of detective.

Philip, Prowse. (2005). L.A. Raid. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann ELT.
                                                                                                                                              Book review



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