Review of "American Life" (BR 15)

Many people want the "American Dream." This usually means a big house, a big car, and a lot of money! (Introduction)

   Most people around the world today know something about American life. The United States is a big country. Not all Americans are the same! In this book you will see the many faces of American life.
   This book showed me some information of America such as history, present situation, culture, and meny other things.
   In this book, some sports such as baseball, American football, basketball, and hockey was introduced. Each sports have great player. And all the sports sounded so exciting!
   And this book includes contents about movies, music, and television. There are a lot of works of movies and misic in America. And a lot of TV channels in America. All of them seems to be interesting.
   I thought I want to go to America some day after reading this book.

Shipton, Vicky. (2001). American Life. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education. Penguin Readers Series.




Review of "Jack and the Westbourne Fair"

Review of "Circle Games" (BR 8)

Review of "The Dark Side of the City" (BR 9)