Review of "The Man from Nowhere" (BR 19)

And a few moments later the man from nowhere was back with his family. (p.48)

   A plane of the rich family crashed in the desert. There are no people around them. So, the man decided to look for people who help them. He was walking slowly in the desert. He was not wearing a shirt. The sun is on his back, which was burnt red. He couldn't see, he couldn't think.He doesn't know where he is or who he is. He only knows that he must keep moving, keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep moving, or die.
   Suddenly, he became unconscious and feel down to the ground. After a while, local people found him and took him to the hospital in the capital ciry.
   After some days, he opened eyes. At the beginnig, he could remember nothing. He was 'the man from nowhere.' But after he heard her wife's name, he remembered everything.
   The man his doctor, and the inspector flew to the desert to help the man's wife and son.
   Finally, they could find the wife and son alive in the dark.
   I was so glad to know that the man's wife and son was alive.

Smith, Bernard. (2000). The Man from Nowhere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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