Review of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

   There, on top of the mushroom, was a large caterpillar, smoking a pipe. After a while the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow, sleepy voice, 'Who are you?'
   What strange things happen when Alice falls down the rabbit-hole and into Wonderland! She has conversations with the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat, goes to the Mad Hatter's tea party, plays croquet with the King and Queen of Hearts...

Carroll, Lewis. (1994). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Oxford: Oxford University Press


  1. Carroll, Lewis. (1994). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Carroll, Lewis. (1994). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    And don't forget to mark quotations clearly!




Review of "Jack and the Westbourne Fair"

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